Thursday, March 2, 2017

China Wins Again

A Chinese man was so eager for his son to learn maths that he dangled him over a river while forcing him to do his sums. The seven-year-old can be seen sitting precariously on a plank of wood, before he is lowered via a rope and pulley system in video captured by an amateur on a mobile phone. The boy can be heard screaming as his feet near the water’s surface before bursting into panicked tears as his father shouts maths questions at him.

Hey Mom and Dad, maybe if you guys put this sort of fear in me when studying for a simple math quiz things would of been different.  Better grades, better college, better job, more money, and not sitting in cubicle writing blogs that like 6 people read.  But nope, instead you said "Max, get to your room right now and study." So I walked right over to my room, put my books on my bed, turned the TV on, and whenever I'd hear you coming I would turn that shit off like a bat out of hell and act like I was going over my work.  Basically I am saying you royally screwed up as parents by not dangling me over shark-infested waters to learn.  Your fault, not mine.

America is soft and that is why China is running circles around us.  They're kids essentially face death if they do not know long division by the age of 4.  And by the time the kids in the USA learn it in their cozy little classrooms with their supportive teachers? The same Chinese kids are already writing books, solving equations, and doing other things that smart asians do.  Game, set, match, China. 

P.S. Cheating off Asians in college is not the way to go.  The smart ones go to fast and don't speak a lick of english and communication is vital when cheating.  And the dumb ones, well they're dumb.  General rule of thumb when cheating is don't want to cheat of dumb people.