Monday, November 7, 2016

Eve of the apocalypse....I mean the 2016 election

Not gonna lie, part of me thought the past 10 months have been one long troll job.  Donald Trump was never really gonna be the president and was ultimately just going to end back up telling people they're fired.  And same goes for Hillary just making big money to give private speeches while she sits around and Bill fucks whatever moves.  But low and behold here we are, one of these two clowns are going to be the leader of the free world.

Now who do I want to win? Idc and IDGAF.  I am a 22 year old kid who makes less than 50k a year and is still supported by his parents.  I don't own a gun, don't need an abortion, I am straight so gay marriage don't effect me (just let em tie the knot who really cares), and won't be alive when global warming destroys the world. Basically I am adverse to most of the issues and whoever wins my world will not be drastically changed.

With that said, this is still a historic election.  I have only been on this world for 22 years but I can't imagine an election has ever had two candidates like this running.  One crook and one bafoon.  George Washington and honest Abe Lincoln must be rolling over in their graves but I digress.  Either way tomorrow is sure to be electric, and once it commences we can go back to normal boring politics where each candidate says a bunch of words and still manages to utter nothing.   As the joker would say Here....We....Go!  

P.S. When Hillary probably wins wonder what she will think about working in the Oval Office.  Not like her husband was once in there getting blowies on the regular and busting nuts all over the joint.

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