Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Hillary Clinton Blew a 3-1 Lead...And here comes the Donald

Whether you are a democrat or republican, pro Hillary or Trump, or didn't give a fuck who won this election one thing is abundantly clear from the shocking election results last night.  Hillary Rodham Clinton SUCKS.  She is a choke artist.  Simply put, she could not win the big one, when the big one should of been a layup for her.  She legitimately ran against a racist, sexist, bigot, and former reality TV star who no more than 4 weeks ago was caught on tape saying he likes to grab chicks by the pussy.  All HRC had to was go to four corners and run out the clock, and she was gonna strut that ass in her weird fucking suits all the way down to Pennsylvania Ave.  If Hillary couldn't win this election it is better off she is not our president, because not winning this race proves incompetence beyond belief.

Now don't think I am redneck pro trump inbred who fucks my cousin and wants everyone to own a shotgun because a Trump Presidency is just as scary to me as it is to the next person.  (Except as a blogger it is a wet dream*)  But who knows maybe the Donald and his yuuuuuuge business acumen can actually do some good.  Just if you're black, Mexican, Muslim, a Jew, or basically anything that is not a white christian, take cover.  Because Trump and his supporters are coming to take their America back like a freight train from hell.

Oh and also how relieved is Bill? Can't be out there getting his and fucking some strange when his wife is the leader of the free world and living in the white house.  Slick Willy lives on to fuck another day!

*I've written like 4 total blogs in my life

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